Grand Rapids Body Waxing Services

Tired of having to shave unwanted hair? Looking for soft, smooth, beautiful skin? I can help you reveal your gorgeous skin and avoid shaving. I want to give you the confidence boost you’re looking for to wear your favorite dress, new bathing suit, or awesome tank top.

NuFree Hair Removal System

All body hair removal services are done using NuFree. NuFree is a natural, soy based anti-microbial botanical formula that removes hair safely and painlessly. This is a no wax, no sugar product that never dries and won’t stick to the skin, so there is no pull or painful irritation. Nufree effectively removes hair follicles on over 98% of the body, within minutes, eliminating ingrown hairs. Compared to other hair removal methods, NuFree gives you long lasting results and is the most effective method available.

Waxing Services

Facial Waxing

Looking to remove facial hair? My facial waxes will leave you with a smooth, hair-free face for several weeks. My wax will even remove very small, fine hairs, so you won’t have to worry about shaving.


Service time 20-30 minutes

Underarm Waxing

An underarm wax can help you remove unwanted underarm hair. Waxes have an exfoliating on skin, so your armpits will feel fresh, silky-smooth, and hair-free.


Service time 20-30 minutes

Bikini Waxing

A bikini wax helps to remove unwanted hair from the bikini line, as well as, removing hair from the belly button down to the pubic bone. Waxing your bikini area removes all of the hassle and effort you’d normally have to apply to shaving that area.


Service time 30 minutes

Brazilian Waxing

A Brazilian wax goes a step further than a bikini wax – offering complete pubic hair removal in addition to removing hair from the belly button to the pubic bone and along the sides of the bikini. You’ll not only have a smoother bikini region, but you’ll also experience a deeper exfoliation, which can be great leading into summer.


Service time 30-45 minutes

1/2 Leg Waxing

If you’d like to eliminate the need to shave while wearing dresses, skirts, or shorts and you don’t really need to remove hair above the knee line, then a half leg waxing is for you. A half leg waxing removes hair from just above the knee down.


Service time 30 minutes

Full Leg Waxing

A full leg waxing will leave your legs completely hair-free from top to bottom. A full leg wax provides you with the best value if you grow unwanted hair anywhere on your legs above your knees.


Service time 45-60 minutes

Back / Chest Waxing

Back and chest can be the hardest body parts to shave. A back or chest wax can make your life so much easier by eliminating unwanted back or chest hair and leaving you with smooth skin that will last for weeks.


Service time 45-60 minutes

Additional Wax Information

How Much Hair Should You Have For A Wax?

Ideally, you want some hair going into a wax so that the wax can do a better job of pulling the entire hair out. You’ll want your hair to be at least a quarter of an inch long, so you may want to shave about five days prior to your wax.

How Long Does A Wax Last?

A wax will typically last about four weeks. I’d recommend scheduling an appointment every four weeks if you’d like your skin to remain perpetually smooth and hair-free.

Does A Wax Cause Hair To Grow Back Thicker?

This is an old myth. Your hair will not grow back thicker regardless of whether you wax or shave it. In fact, hair can actually completely stop growing in some cases for areas that are consistently waxed over a period of years.

Grand Rapids Wax Salon Near Me

Ready to schedule your next wax? GR Beauty Game is located in Jenison, MI, which is nearby for any resident in the greater Grand Rapids area. Simply click the schedule an appointment button, call, or fill out a contact form to schedule your wax appointment.

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